Bogged Down in Plans

I am at the beginning of my second summer break. This is the time when my "want-to-do" list just grows and grows and then reality sets in and I realize that there is so much that I just don't want to do...

I get this way at times. I have lots of things that I want to do, but not enough time in the day to do what I have to do in addition to what I want to do. My music therapy list of things I want to do is so very long. It is both heartening and disheartening to look at the spiral notebooks that hold my ideas.

I am going to get something finished this week. I'm not sure what it will be, exactly, but I will finish something. 

Before I get to my "want-to-do" list, I am going to write out my "not-to-do" list. I've found that this list is important so I can get myself going and not get bogged down in my "woulda, coulda, shoulda" goblins. You know the ones - the thoughts that start with "I should be..." or "If only I would..." or "I could be..." That list helps me escape the guilt thoughts that run through my head when things are quiet.

My major goal this week is to relax and keep working on my home environment. I will spend a bit of time throwing things out, rearranging things, and making sure that I use what I have and not keep things that I don't need. It will not be finished when the time is, but that's okay. These things are always a work in progress. The only real goal for this week is progress on my desired outcomes - decreasing my stuff and moving forward on other projects.

There you go. I'm no longer bogged down in plans. I have a plan - "not-to-do" list, progress towards desired outcomes, relaxing.

Off I go!


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