Not Working is More Difficult Than Working

It is "vacation" time for me - the first week off of the summer. There will be another week off at the end of June and beginning of July and there will be two weeks (bliss!) at the end of July and the beginning of August.

I don't do very well with stretches of time without structure. I make all sorts of audacious plans and then I don't do any of those things during my time. This time off is no different, but I am trying. I am a person who uses structure to organize, and a lack of structure leads me to turning around in circles, wondering where to go next.

As a result, I am structuring my time a bit more than usual. My bullet journal/task list is helping with this. I'm writing down what needs to be done, I'm prioritizing each task, and then I'm working on the tasks so I can cross them off the list. I'm also using my 30 minutes at a time structure to frame my tasks.

Today, after I finish blogging, I'm going to start deconstructing my desk storage to prepare for getting my new desks. My new desk surfaces will be hollow core doors with lots of space for writing and blogging and making music therapy projects. Before I get those surfaces, however, I need to clean out the bookshelves that I currently use and then trash the boards that I've used as my writing surface for the past 25 years. Getting those new desk surfaces is my end goal for this break. If I can reorganize this front room, I will have made a big difference in my living area.

Time to give myself some structure. First 30 minutes? Breakfast. After that, I am going to start with the bookshelves on the right and move to the left. After I unload and sort all the stuff that I have right now, I will be able to throw out the large boards and go get the two new doors. After that, it will be time to rearrange the front room to accommodate the new desks. This will not be accomplished in one day, but I should be able to complete it in the eight days I have left of my time away from work.

Time to get going.


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