Thoughtful Thursday: Other Duties As Assigned

Tomorrow is a scheduled day off. For some reason, we get a random Friday off in April every year. Tomorrow is the day. I have some big plans for tomorrow - sleep in and then try to uncover some carpet so I can vacuum. I also need to grocery shop. Before all that can happen, though, I need to get through the Super-Secret Special Event at school today.

Getting ready to fly into this superhero day!
In the job description of all jobs that I've ever had, there is a handy little phrase at the end - "Other duties as assigned." This little phrase is why I am getting ready to dress up in a cape and spend my day regulating bouncy houses and gift bags - it's another duty that's been assigned.

I don't mind duties like this (I do mind the duty of having to go to endless meetings that have nothing to do with my job, but this one isn't bad). I like having the duty of coming up with something creative and to make some fun for my clients. The day will be exhausting, but it will also be a good experience for my clients.

A close up of the shirt. Isn't it cute?
That's what I tell myself as I take my aching body and wrap it in a royal blue cape (that my sister got for me at an educational conference a couple of years ago) in order to act like I am having fun (all the time wondering who will be the first to fall out of the bouncy house onto their faces - I think it will be one of our teachers...). It will be a loud day as my table is set up to provide a blockade between the electrical outlets and my students. I get to sit next to the blowers for the bouncy house all day.

Over the years, the phrase in question has offered me many challenges and opportunities to do different things as a music therapist. First of all, I've been part of bus duty. I've been a Special Olympics coach. I've been able to go on trips, to see movies, concerts, and unique special events. I've had to pull up carpet when things got flooded. I've had to put together recreation opportunities with 5 minutes to plan. I've had to go to countless inservices that have absolutely nothing to do with my role at my facility because it was assigned.

I know that one thing I will definitely do if I ever hire an employee is to include that helpful little phrase, but I will try not to abuse it. I am looking forward to today - a day without music therapy and with something different. I do think I'll take the cape off when I get gas this morning, however. It may be a bit much for regular humans to process. Gotta keep my secret identity safe, after all...



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