Ah, The Merry Month of May
It is almost time for the most hectic month of my year - May! You may feel that December is your most hectic month, but I have December whittled down to just the basics and a set schedule. For me, the most hectic month of the year is the one coming up in two days - May. During this upcoming month, I have two immediate family birthdays, my own birthday in there, Mother's Day, graduation, Pentecost, the end of the regular school year, preparation for the extended school year, our Annual Talent Show, the roll-out of a completely new documentation system, and May the Fourth as well!! Everything is moving along, but there is lots to do this month compared to other months. In addition, there will end-of-the-year field trips that will interrupt my schedule and well-laid plans. There will be kids who are making demands that I drop everything and give them what they want for their Talent Show offerings. There will be surprise meetings. Things will happen that will interrupt every single t...