Ah, The Merry Month of May

It is almost time for the most hectic month of my year - May! You may feel that December is your most hectic month, but I have December whittled down to just the basics and a set schedule. For me, the most hectic month of the year is the one coming up in two days - May.

During this upcoming month, I have two immediate family birthdays, my own birthday in there, Mother's Day, graduation, Pentecost, the end of the regular school year, preparation for the extended school year, our Annual Talent Show, the roll-out of a completely new documentation system, and May the Fourth as well!! Everything is moving along, but there is lots to do this month compared to other months. In addition, there will end-of-the-year field trips that will interrupt my schedule and well-laid plans. There will be kids who are making demands that I drop everything and give them what they want for their Talent Show offerings. There will be surprise meetings. Things will happen that will interrupt every single thing that I want to get done. That's just the nature of May, so I am prepared!

My list of things to do is growing (as it always does in this month). I will have a new intern who starts at the beginning of June, so I have things to prepare for her arrival before I leave for a short break at the end of May. Those things go on the work list along with the Talent Show, Graduation choir, and cleaning the music therapy room from top to bottom. My home to-do list is also growing. Wrap and send gifts to California (I only have to ship things one place this year - no longer to both coasts!!). Make plans for my time off. Maintain my current health level. Continue to clean and organize my home. Figure out my summer budget as I lose one income stream for the months of June, July, and August. Prepare to say goodbye to two really good friends and prepare to say hello to a new pastor for my church job. Figure out how to incorporate children's music into Sunday School. Solidify my own ideas about things going on in my life.

This week, the music therapy focus is on learning graduation songs, the Musician of the Month, and May the Fourth (because I AM a Star Wars Fan!!). The rest of the month will be working on graduation songs and our themes for the month, Saying Goodbye/Moving On/Grief. We'll do centers next week - lyric analysis light, packing our bag file folders and songs, Gotta Gonna Go On a Trip, and cards for our graduates. We'll still be learning our graduation ceremony songs. After that, a week of "regular" music therapy (i.e., NOT centers) and then it is graduation week. 

It is time to move into this last bit of April, looking forward to the upcoming month and getting ready for the rush of things ahead. I will see what the month has in store for me this time around.


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