Change the Focus

As I am sitting here in my illness stupor, I am thinking deep thoughts...well, some of them are deep thoughts. Some of my thoughts are of the "I really want some ice cream" variety rather than anything profound. I'm to the point in my illness right now where I have slept and slept, and I need to be doing something, so thinking is what my brain and body have chosen to do.

What do I think about? I think about Master's Level Entry into our profession. I think about differences between my job and that of a hospice music therapist. I wonder if I will get any ideas pulled together for AMTA's national conference this year. I think about my friends currently traveling across the country. I wonder if I'll finish any of my projects in the next couple of weeks. I think about the future of this profession. There are lots of things to think about.

I'm trying to figure out what presentation proposals I want to submit to AMTA this year. I'm thinking it may be time for some CMTE proposals as well as some concurrent presentation proposals. I have one idea so far, but not many more. It is time to sit down and turn my thoughts toward presentations. 

I'm tired of having the same old conversations. This is something that I've noticed about my social media feeds lately. We've had to go through about 15 posts about the American Idol contestant who was wrongly named as a music therapist. We are going over the same old ground about MLE, over and over and over and over again. People constantly ask for songs about this and that. It's always the same old thing.

I feel the need to change my focus.

I guess I'll start by implementing a social media feed hiatus. Until I am in a better place, body and mind, I'll avoid MTBO and MTU. I only follow 9 people on Twitter, so it is not something that really interrupts my ideas. I may need to hide the one person I follow who posts EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING for a bit. I'll take my time and focus on what I think and feel with little outside influence. I'll sit and think some more. I'll draw a bit (I drew lots of wild animals yesterday when sitting and watching television). I'll get some ice cream (THAT sounds REALLY good right now), and I'll spend some more time thinking.

I'll let you know if my hiatus changes my way of viewing the world. 


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