Thoughtful Thursday: Just Woke Up and Already Feel Behind

This is going to be a very short post this morning as I woke up an hour late and am trying really hard to get out of the door so I can get to Walmart and buy some half price chocolate boxes to use for storage boxes for new interns as they start to arrive at my facility to finish their educational experience with me and my students who have been absolutely nasty to each other lately but who haven't really done lots and lots of that nastiness towards me for some reason which makes me feel much better about the fact that I want to bring interns into our music therapy sessions.

It's Thursday, right?

Off I go. 

I'll probably write more after work... 

UPDATED at 5:05 pm...

So, let me explain some of what I wrote this morning. 

Last Tuesday was a difficult day for my afternoon groups. Kids were just cranky as all get out, and they took out the crankiness on each other rather than using their coping skills. They took me aback, and I just stared in utter disbelief at the type of ridiculous things that were the end of the world.

It was happening everywhere - not just in music therapy - which made it a bit easier to handle. Good indication that what is happening is NOT entirely due to me being me or therapist or both. This type of situation indicates that there is something else going on that is affecting all of my students at the same time.

I guess it was Valentine's Day because the same groups were not nearly as difficult today. Now, there were the same types of disruptive behaviors that happened - kids yelling because they get attention for yelling - but no one escalated into the point of requiring physical assistance to remain safe to themselves and to others. That makes my evening a bit more calm as well.

I made a decision today that I will regret tomorrow, but I decided that it was more important to engage in some of my other administrative duties and NOT do my documentation for yesterday. I have two days worth of clinical notes to do tomorrow when I have my planning/preparation day. I've done much of my planning and preparation already, so the notes (which HAVE to be done) will take precedence tomorrow. I will work and work until I have completely caught up. I will. It has to happen.

Fortunately, I found LOTS of half-price chocolate in fancy boxes, so I have lots of fuel for my brain exercises tomorrow. I'll spend some time eating chocolate and writing my notes for half of my students tomorrow. I refuse to count and figure out exactly how many notes I have to do - I'll wait until I'm finished to see how much harder I made my work this week (for myself!).

Speaking of making work harder for myself, I have a late night meeting tomorrow that I will have to keep myself awake to attend and I have to give a report which I haven't yet started. I am planning on writing the report as I try to keep myself alert enough for the meeting (which will START about 2 hours after I am typically going to sleep these days). It was the only time that we could all meet together this weekend, so I'll be staying up (I hope). I then have a busy morning schedule the next day. Good thing that I have Monday off from work - I'll need it to recover from my Friday-Saturday!

I think that I am spending lots of time these days avoiding things - especially my chores - so I am taking up the task of clearing out for this spiritual season. I'm doing as much as I can to make some changes in my surroundings. My goal is to clear out as much as I can so I can buy a new bed after Easter. I really need one, so it has to happen, but I have to be able to get the new bed and the mattress into the narrow hallways without knocking things over everywhere!

I am getting ready to go to bed now, a bit caught up, but still behind. I will spend some time catching up on my work and my leisure as well.

It's almost Friday!


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