I've Got the Chills - and Not the Good Kind, I Think!

Last night, I walked over to put my dishes in the sink after dinner and was overtaken by chills. I ended up shivering with my teeth chattering for about 45 minutes after that. I turned up the heater, put on my socks, covered up myself in about 8 blankets and afghans, and covered my head. I remained covered up that way for the rest of the night. I think I went to sleep about 6:45 last night...and the night before that. My temperature is still a bit below "normal" for most folks, but I am about a degree higher than I usually am, so I think I am running a bit of a temperature as well. I have needed my asthma medicine a bit more than usual, but nothing else is happening. I'm currently debating about whether this is the start of the flu or if it isn't.

My major problem is that my usual, everyday way of living has many of the characteristics of the flu. I almost always have a cough, sneezing, and a runny nose. Those haven't changed. I don't usually get bone shaking chills, though, so I am concerned. Also, the temperature things is a bit concerning. I usually run at about 97.3 degrees, and I am currently at 98.3. I know that's not a big deal, but high fever doesn't seem to be part of the bug going around here these days.

Of course, yesterday was the big "Perfect Attendance" talk at work. The administration has decided to offer a drawing for all those who don't miss any work. The prize is a $100 gift card. 

So, of course I am sitting here, wondering if I should go in to work or stay home.

I just called in.

I know that is the most responsible thing to do in this case. Even though my students are the ones who gave me this bug to begin with, there is nothing worse than a virus going around a residential facility. Most of the teachers, support staff, and students have had this thing at least once this season. We don't need to continue to pass germs around from person to person. I'm going to be responsible for myself and not contaminate others.

I'm going back to bed.


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