Cats are Popping Up in My Feed All of a Sudden

Cats have figured prominently in my social media feeds lately. I'm not exactly sure why, but there is probably some sort of algorithm in place that ensures that I get to see everything about cats that comes across the internet.

I'm NOT complaining - I love my Bella-cat and all things cat - but I do feel that it is a bit strange that there are so many cat things recently. I do have other interests. Maybe it's because my friends are finally coming around to the cat life. Hmmm.

One of my friends is going to be crocheting a cat sweater. She has a kit and everything! Someone posted a cat bath/rap video on Music Therapists Unite, and I just marveled at how calm that cat was in the bath, being rapped to, and at the skill of the guy, cuddling the cat while bathing said cat. My cat would NEVER be that calm or interested in my rapping when presented with the situation of a bath. NEVER. In fact, she is currently staring at me as if she knows what I am writing about and resents me for even picturing the entire scenario.

My father shakes his head every time he remembers that he has three grandcats now. He's NOT a cat-person and is mystified by myself and my siblings who love our cats and prefer their company over that of dogs. I have nothing against dogs, but I am so much more of a cat person. I have a theory about that.

I think my cat-affinity has something to do with the type of person I also prefer to be around. Cats are independent and very rarely appreciate being put into situations against their choice. Teens are very much like that as well. Cats want affection when they want affection and squirm when things get too clingy. So do teens. I think my cat-affinity has lots to do with my work with adolescents.

Bear with me here.

I have always enjoyed working with adolescents. Teens and preteens are the stages of development that I like the best (except for the terrible twos) - if I hadn't been a music therapist, I probably would be a middle school teacher of some sort. Probably special education and middle school. I understand the awkwardness of being a person who is changing all the time and who doesn't really understand what is going on. I'm that person still! At the same time, middle schoolers still want to play. They are learning their place in the world and will experiment on just about anything to see what will happen.

My cat does that, too.

It doesn't matter how many times I've replaced the pen on the desk, my cat will still see if it will fall when she pushes it over. She will test the concepts of gravity over and over again, ESPECIALLY when she knows that it bothers me! Sound familiar?? She will do things with me, but only when she wants to do those things. She seems to resent me when I try to get her to do what I need her to do. Try to get her into her carrier? Forget it! If she is the one who initiates, then it is time. It is time for cuddling right now - she's on my lap. It is time for attention when she sits between me and my computer. If I want her to engage in something, I have to convince her (Example? The Leia-buns above) and make it worth her while. (We had lots of treats after that picture was snapped!)

When affection comes, it is something to be treasured. That is also similar to my adolescent clients. They don't often show that they are affected by music therapy, but they seem to remember the time we had together years and years after we no longer work together. They may protest when I sing (Bella does that, too), but those songs sink into their memories and stay there forever.

I'm not surprised by my cat-affinity. I think I'm very much like the clients I work with and like my Bella. It just works.

Happy Caturday, all!


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