The Absurdity of It All

I recently posted a presentation on my website for folks who attended my AMTA 2017 talk about writing clinical goals, objectives, and benchmarks. I did my usual routine when posting videos - make a powerpoint presentation, record myself on video, and then transform the presentation to an mp4 and post on YouTube. I then post the link on the website which transforms into a thumbnail with a snapshot of the video.

When I saw one of the thumbnails, I just had to laugh.

You know, when I think about what I look like, I don't always think about the double chin, the occasional spots on my forehead, or the fact that my hair has a way of just going wherever it wants to go. This thumbnail reminded me of all of those things and more. 

I posted it anyway.

Hopefully, the folks who are getting the information will be led into watching the last part of the presentation in spite of the picture that I present on social media. If not, well...

Really, YouTube? What about the picture that was of me smiling??
In this world of slick marketing and polished presentation, I'm out there with my mouth open, my chin tilted straight up, staring at the camera, displaying all of my faults to the entire world. Do I wish the thumbnail had a different expression? You bet. At the end of the day, though, I have to acknowledge that I am who I am and embrace that fact.

So, my unflattering picture will remain on my website until I take it down, and then it will be on YouTube (in unlisted mode so it will be difficult to find unless you have the link) until I take it down there as well. It's me, and it's the me that is the most authentic - even if it's not the most flattering.

Oh well.

Happy Wednesday.


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