TME Tuesday: Firework Countdown

Today's TME comes to you via sing about summer. This is a simple little TME, but it's very effective with my younger kids and with some of my reluctant older ones as well...

Therapeutic Music Experience
Firework Countdown
Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC

Purpose: To address impulse control; to assist with number concepts; upper extremity gross motor function; upper extremity fine motor function

Source: Traditional music therapy experience. TME development and Procedure by Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC. © 2015 by Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC

Materials: At least one scarf per group member (more scarves per group member make for a more visually stimulating experience

Environment: Group members need enough space to move arms without touching others.

Song/Chant/Words: Chant – countdown from different numbers to address impulse control. Vary the tempo in order to increase need for listening and mastery of impulses.

Procedure: R = Reinforcement opportunities; C = Redirection/Cue opportunities; A = Assessment
1.      C= pass scarves to each group member.
2.      A= assess what group members do when passed the scarves.
3.      R= reinforce all reactions to scarves by group members.
4.      C= ask one group member to choose a number for the countdown.
5.      A= assess whether the group member understands the concept of numbers.
6.      R= reinforce group member for completing the task of selecting a number.
7.      C= prompt group members to join into the countdown
8.      C= start counting down from number
9.      A= assess whether group members engage in the countdown. Assess whether group members are able to count backwards from the targeted number.
10.  R= reinforce group members for counting
11.  C= release the scarves when the countdown is complete.
12.  A= assess whether group members can release scarves at end of the countdown.
13.  R= reinforce group members for participation.
14.  Repeat steps 4-13 until group members start to show signs of boredom or disengagement or time runs out.

Therapeutic Function of Music:
Music serves as the structure and as a motivating factor in this therapeutic music experience. The successful completion of impulse control through the countdown manifests in the opportunity to throw the scarves into the air.

·         Choose one person to be in charge of releasing the scarves while everyone else counts down.
·         Use instruments to coordinate the counting. Use the rhythm or tempo to coordinate the responses.

  • Use only instruments (without verbal counting) to coordinate the firework release.
  • Change tempi every time to encourage entrainment to an external stimulus.


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