Make It Monday: Back to The File Folder Creation Station

This weekend, I spent some time making things. I didn't make as much as I had planned to (because that's the way things always go with planning, I've found!), but I started some ideas and finished some others.

When I am in a creation mood, I usually reach for my file folders. I could go on and on about the benefits of file folders (and I usually do, if given the time), but I will spare you this time. Anyway, I felt like trying something different, so I started to work.

First step? Finding an idea.

I spend lots of time with my clients attempting to show them about emotions and practicing emotional regulation. I try through music, through games, through talk, and we always need more and more. So, I made something to supplement what I want us to do together - a file folder game!!
So, here's what I made. I have a color-coding system for my folders so I can easily grab what I want during sessions. Blue is the color for emotional/behavioral TMEs. I used a blue folder so that I can identify the theme of the folder easily. There are black dots on the side of the folder so I can also identify the folder as a game. I already had the space themed stickers, so they became the theme of this game.

I made two sets of cards - singing cards to prompt the singing of specific songs, and number cards for the dice and movement around the board. Each one of the pieces has a special symbol so I can identify them later - number cards for the dice have one symbol while song cards have another - I stamp them onto the card.

I have several different ways to play this game. There are only three emotions listed - happy, sad, and angry. The end goals are for clients to express emotion and recognize emotions in others. Some of my clients will not be able to use the song cards. Others can use the song cards to express a particular emotion - the song is the acting vehicle for the emotion itself. I already have some emotion cards, so some of my clients will identify emotional expression to the word itself. Some of my clients will act out the emotion so others can guess. Yet others will figure out their own ways to play, and I'll be there to write down their adaptations.

The best thing about something like this (in my humble opinion) is that I can use it in many different ways. I can write a song to go with the game, explaining the rules and offering suggestions within the song itself. I can play it with all of my clients, but work on different goal areas without too much adaptation of the game itself. I can try something, and, if it doesn't work, I can go back to the planning stage and try something new. If all else fails, I am out an afternoon of crafting and some TME development time. That's it!

I also made the beginnings of some pumpkin visuals for later this week. I will be sitting down with the materials and tools that I use and my laminating machine this afternoon before my intern webinar to finish up my projects. I will also spend some time with my TME development process to finish up a TME on how to use this file folder - I may even be able to do the different adaptations that I have already thought about...

Happy Monday!


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