I'm Having a Rough Week

I think I sprained a finger in my left hand yesterday. I know I slammed my left thumb in the filing cabinet at work (in front of clients - I managed NOT to color the air with obscenities, but it was CLOSE). I now have a bloody nose and am just sitting here wondering about why I am so klutzy at the moment.

Now, I am almost always prone to accidents - sensory integration issues from birth, etc. - but these things seem to cluster.

I am not graceful. I tend to break, sprain, and injure things more than the usual person. I also cannot coordinate many movements without extreme task analysis and practicing the small elements of each movement. Dancing a routine is something that takes LOTS of intense work for me. Add in some gravitational insecurity and a balance disorder, and you start to see what life is like for me.

Over the years, I've learned to compensate. This is the only way of being that I know, so this is the way I move through life. (Sometimes I need a uniform of bubble wrap to go out into the world, but I do it!)

It's a good thing that this is a short week with students. Today is the last therapy day of the week, AND I get a day off on Friday as well. Since it is a short therapy week, I've slacked off on the session strategizing. We are doing one of my "sick day" strategies - short movies that use music to illustrate things (Pixar shorts are my favorite - almost all of the cartoons are nonverbal and use music to express emotion and happenings) and sensory-based and game stations set up around the room for those who do not like to watch movies. I don't have much need for using my left hand to play the guitar today, so I can let it rest a bit.

Does anyone else have weeks when it is obvious that they should not go out into the world for the safety of all the people that are out there in the world? I am thinking that this would be a good week to take a sabbatical and just hibernate until I can walk through my own hallway without stubbing a toe or knocking over the bookshelf...

Alas, I cannot stay at home. I must go out into the world to demonstrate the use of music for relaxation and life-long leisure (that's my story to justify my "sick day" strategy, and I'm sticking to it!!).

Tomorrow is a 12 hour day at work. It will finish off with "Family Fun Night" with people going out to our barn. I informed my administrator yesterday that I would not be going out to the barn, so I will probably be making dinner for our guests. I am not going to chance anaphylaxis by going into a situation that I know has made me sick before - with my luck this week, the bunnies would send me off into an asthma attack that would require hospitalization. Fortunately, I was able to avoid that situation for hanging around heating elements and hot meat. Hmm. On reflection, that isn't much better. Maybe someone else will be with me, and I can just focus on opening up chip bags...

The nice thing about going through this week is that I look forward to hibernating on Friday and Saturday. In the meantime, I will baby that sprained finger, stop shutting my thumbs into file cabinets, and take my time as I move through the world so I don't crash into other things.

Happy Wednesday, all!


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