Over 12 Hours Late

You know how you can start the day out with all sorts of good intentions and then one thing happens that interrupts all of that?

It happened to me today.

I was up, I was ready to go, I was organizing my day at work and getting ready to blog at the computer when it happened. The tell-tale sparkles that I get when it is time for a migraine headache. Basically, before the headache starts, I get what is called an "ocular migraine." This is my warning system that tells me what is coming, but it has an interesting side effect. Basically, I go blind for a bit.

I was ready for work. I had spent the weekend in bed between breathing treatments, and I needed to get out and about, but it wasn't in the cards for today. So, I called in with the proviso that I might make it, and took my medicine. I went back to bed where I knew I would be able to stay somewhat safe (surrounded by pillows and blankets) until my vision cleared.

Three hours later, I was still having difficulty focusing my eyes (though I was able to see across my entire field of vision), and the headache had arrived (along with the rare-for-me nausea). I called in again and went to sleep. 

So, for the rest of today, I've been in bed, trying really hard to stay still and avoid things that need my eyes to move. The headache is almost gone, so I am up at the computer for the first sustained time all day. That's why this post is over 12 hours later than I first anticipated.

I'll be heading off to work tomorrow morning. I'll take my breathing apparatus and my headache medications just in case, but I am going to work tomorrow. We only have three more work days until our next break, and I need to be at work.

My guilt took over today, but I really cannot be driving down the highways when I cannot see. So, my feelings of guilt have turned into feelings of frustration. Through my frustration, though, I know that staying home was the only choice I had.

It is amazing. No matter how much I plan, life has a way of making me change those plans.

Tomorrow I hope to be posting a TME Tuesday post. We'll see what life has in store for me...


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