Thoughtful Thursday: The Perfect Music Therapy Clinic

When I am bored and needing to feel somewhat challenged, I sit down with some graph paper, and I design music therapy spaces. I pretend that money is absolutely no object, and I dream. I dream about spaces for large group therapy and individual therapy. I dream about observation rooms, conference areas, storage systems (boy, do I dream about storage systems!). I let my imagination go wild, and I always find myself thinking of new things to put into my dream clinic.

My designs have varied during the years. I've wanted space for a single therapist and space for multiple therapists. One of these days, I will look at all of these plans and compile them into my perfect music therapy clinic.

I know I will never achieve this type of perfection - I will never have the money - but it is fun to dream.

What types of things would you have in your perfect music therapy clinic?

Leave comments below!

My clinic includes built-in storage in all clinical areas, additional shared storage closets, lots of windows for natural light, office areas, conference areas, and a reception area for waiting. I have some thoughts about what to include in the reception area to keep clients entertained (but not too entertained). My ideas would probably be an insurance nightmare, but dreaming doesn't mean that I have to pay insurance premiums, so why not dream big?

My perfect clinic also includes places to read and places to talk. There would be some quiet nooks for those of us who need to get away from other people to concentrate. There would be some communal areas for those of us who are stimulated by being with others. 

Oh, one other small detail, all of the clinical spaces are rectangular. As someone who spent a long time in an almost oval room, there is definite joy in having corners! It may not be a detail that others would find interesting, but it is important to me!

So, rectangular rooms, lots of light, storage inside and outside the room, and places to put our selves to do different tasks.

Again, what would you like in a music therapy clinic? Please let me know!


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