Monday Morning Musings

I woke up about the usual time this morning, and then laid in bed for about 45 minutes, telling myself that I had plenty of time (which I did), and that the day did need to happen (which it does). Armed with the thought that next week would be a holiday week, I arose to get the day started. I am going to try (really hard) to get to work no earlier than 7:15 this entire week, so I have postponed my morning shower and am blogging in my currently funky mood and condition before I take myself in and finish my hygiene for the day. The cat has arrived for her daily dose of attention (interrupting my typing for some cuddling), so the morning is progressing in a routine manner.

Today, three out of my four groups will be experiencing the Aquarium and Animals with Long Ears movements of Carnival of the Animals. We are going to make a rain storm with the ocean drums, rainsticks, and mini rainsticks that I have both here at home and at work. (That reminds me, get my ocean drum and rainsticks and put them by the door - be right back.) We will make a rainstorm in the middle of my very humid room and will spend some time making music together this week. For the second half of the week, I think we may need to so something sensory based - carrots? Easter grass? Bunnies? I'm still working on the concept.

Last week's elephant trunks and kangaroo tail seemed to be hits with most of my students. The ones that move around the room, anyway. I'm keeping track of all of these ideas in a series of file folders, so I can replicate this series later. Eventually, it will all be in my TME file, including the way I made the materials that I made, so I can see it later.

At this point, it is all I can do to keep up with the clinical documentation. I went from 14 to 17 groups in this month, so I have 30+ more notes to do on a weekly basis. This has been a change, and I'm almost in the habit, but still not quite there yet. By the end of the summer, I'll have all the groups as habits, and then it will be time to add lots more individuals to my schedule. I'm not focusing on that at the moment since the entire school is attempting to get into a new schedule, and I am needing to figure out my own place in that schedule, but with the addition of Fridays into the schedule, I will have more time to work with clients on a 1:1 basis. This is my goal for the next semester - get more individuals into my schedule.

After this week, the first half of the summer session will be over. After next week (which we are taking off - randomly), we will have four new teachers, a new Speech Pathologist, and a new OT Assistant starting. This is in addition to about 8 new Behavior Health Technicians (what we used to call paraprofessionals). More change for my students who do not like change. More change for those of us who are still around.

We had the opportunity to sign up to provide learning opportunities for our students during the next week for time and a half pay. I opted not to do so. I've come to a point where, while the money is attractive, I need the time more. 

As a result, I am taking my break next week to continue my work on my course modules (3 down, 7 to go) and to throw things away. I need to take a copier/printer to my office at my church job at some point to get it out of my home. I may even go see another movie (I am now at Ruby status). I will spend the upcoming holiday quietly - I'm not a fan of fireworks and would really LOVE a very rainy Fourth of July. I will take naps. I will go out to different places. I may even drive somewhere - just to get away from home and to feel like I'm taking a vacation away. There may be a hotel in my near future. I'll take my cellphone, but I am going to leave my laptop at home. I feel the need to disconnect for a bit.

Well, it is time to start my hygiene routine and get ready for the Aquarium and Animals with Long Ears. I hope that your music therapy week goes smoothly and without controversy.

Happy Monday!


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