First Day: Friday

My mid-summer break has arrived. I woke up several times last night due to significant thunder and lightning and more anxiety dreams (they are plaguing me lately for some reason). In about 2.5 hours, I'll be taking my car in to get some maintenance done, so this will be an expensive break, but that's what happens when you drive and drive your car.

I was made aware of a music teaching position in the small town where I am a church choir director. Folks there have a vague idea that I do something with music, but they are not sure what it is that I actually do. They've been trying to get me to take that position every year for almost 20 years now - for some reason, the district can't keep a music teacher for longer than 2 years these days. Makes me wonder why.

Yesterday was a pretty good day in my music therapy clinic. I was able to finish the week with no tantrums on my side of the wall (the other side is a classroom and the tantrums there are loud and intrusive!). We watched Pixar short movies, played Instrument Memory, and used my sensory squishes (flexible plastic balls, worms, and ooey gooey things to touch). I was able to rearrange my cabinets to include all of the new instruments, and things are a bit more organized in my work life.

I want to be able to get things in my personal life a bit more organized as well. That is my constant quest. Organization. So, I will take a couple of steps forward and several steps backwards in my quest to make things a bit more logical and arranged around here. I need to make better use of the space that I have.

Organization is difficult for me, mainly because I tend towards hoarding. I will try to donate at least one box/bag for days off during this break. That means that I need to get at least 10 boxes/bags out of here by the end of my time off. That's doable. I have a way to recycle all the papers that are in my file cabinets - My UPS store shreds things for 50 cents per pound. I like that since I tend to go through shredders in no time flat. I can see the UPS store from my street, so it is VERY convenient for me to take boxes of old paperwork down there. They also guarantee security - I like that! 

Maybe I should narrow my overall quest for life organization to focus on the file cabinets right now. I know there is a bunch of stuff in those cabinets that I do not need anymore. I'm thinking I can move some things around once I clear out those eight drawers.

Good. Now I have an organization goal for this break - clear out the file cabinets. Once that is finished, who knows what the next goal will be.

That's not the only goal I have for this break. I want to finish my course content for my first CMTE offering (can't give you more details yet since CBMT hasn't approved it yet). After the content is finished, I can arrange it into my very own learning management system and then get it approved and launched. I have three modules finished - 7 to go!

The last goal that I have for this break is resting. I hope to sleep in past 3:30am at least twice this next week. I didn't accomplish that goal today. There may be napping in my near future - after the car maintenance, of course.

Time to get started with this vacation. Happy Friday, all!


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