A Case of the Screaming Meemies!

Yesterday was a loud day, both inside and outside the music therapy room. Everyone was screaming, oh, and urinating. I'm not sure that the two behaviors were related as those who urinated were not around the ones who were screaming, but those two things do not usually coincide. It's been a long half of the week.

One of the situations would have been completely avoided had the lead classroom aide followed the school rules rather than making up her own rules. She told her students that they could shop in the student store after their music therapy session. I told them that they could not because the store was closed. BAM! Instant riot.

This situation is one that is happening more and more with staff members lately. They think that they can interrupt what is happening in my room to get into the store. They are wrong. I am standing my ground on this one (with the support of the principal) and not allowing people to just come in whenever. After yesterday's riot, I will be insisting that the principal make this concept firm in the mind of my co-workers - there are set store hours. Kids can shop in the store during (and ONLY during) those store hours. If not, I will be joining people in the screaming meemies and be showing my bratty side.

I am hoping that this phase will be over very quickly. There are thin walls in my neck of the woods and all the kids on the other side of the wall are responding to things by being loud - screaming, kicking the walls, throwing things, etc. The constant sound bombardment is plain old exhausting. Add in my own sounds, and I just can't seem to get away from auditory stimulation. I am looking forward to a week of quiet coming up. I'm probably feeling this more deeply since there is a break coming up - I am more than ready for some time away from work. No time and a half for this girl!! I need the quiet to refresh. 

I have no real session strategies for the next two days. I'm not thinking that what I have planned will actually happen, so I am expanding my thoughts into other things. Maybe we will all play guitars. Maybe not, especially if the screaming, urinary accidents, and riots continue. Maybe I will do everything I possibly can just to hold on until the first half of the summer session is finished. I am thinking that quiet games are in order - maybe we'll do Instrument Memory - that would be quiet...ish.

I hope that your therapy day brings you some peace and quiet.


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