Making Stuff

It's been some time since I've made something that I can share here on this blog, but never fear! My brain is churning around and around as I am planning my summer themed sessions, working on content for various and sundry webinars, and getting some CMTE courses pulled together. I am thinking about making some cardboard animal finger puppets for my Carnival of the Animals summer theme, but I'm not sure if I will get them finished before June 5th (the first day of the summer session).

The other thing that has been making me think about doing more pictures is my recent time on Pinterest. (Never good when I am tired and yearning for vacation! Everything on there makes me feel more tired. I should just STOP!) Anyway, I am getting ready for some time at home where I hope to clean out (still) and create.

I brought my laminator home from work last night to get ready to create some course content for my newly approved course offerings. Are you wondering what a laminator would have to do with CMTEs? If so, keep an eye on my website for more information about our first ever course - target date - August 2017!! I think it will be fun to figure things out. (That reminds me - time to spend some birthday money on a webcam that will allow me to show projects being completed - something that will go overhead...hmmm).

What types of stuff do you make for your clients? Do you make lyric sheets? Visual aids? Scarves and other props? I'm curious about other music therapy makers out there, and I would LOVE to see what you make. Here are some of the things that I've made over the years...

 Sorry for the funky spacing - I can't quite figure it out....


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