Getting Ready to Say Goodbye

Today is graduation day at my school, and we have five graduates getting ready to transition to adulthood and the next chapter of their lives. Graduation is always a bittersweet day at my school because sometimes our graduates know what they are going to do away from us, and sometimes they do not.

As anyone who works with students knows, getting them ready to go out and away from the learning environment can be a stressful time for both student and teacher. Questions abound - "Did they learn what they need to learn to successful out there?" "Will they be able to make it?" "Did I teach them what they need to know?" Only time will tell.

Today, we will celebrate the ways that these clients have grown and learned during the years that they have been with us. After the ceremony, we will all have a barbecue (interesting, I always spell that with a "q", but spell-check doesn't like that). Most of my students who are not graduating are more interested in the food after the ceremony than in the ceremony itself. We will celebrate the end of 2016-2017 school year.

It's a day for endings and beginnings.


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