The Anticipation Builds...

Ask any school teacher about the week before break and you will get the same response each time - ugh. We are entering that week at my place of work. I am dreading it, but am also looking forward to it.

My plan is as follows - clients choose what they are going to do in (some) sessions.

Last week, we played Name That Tune. Now, I always fix the games where I get points when my students display unsportsman-like behavior or inappropriate interactions with each other or where I stump everyone in the room with my music selections. I also always cheat at the end with the reckoning of points. Always.

I lost.

We set it up so that they get to choose what happens in the next session (with guidance from me) if they win. If I win, it's business as usual. Three of my groups will be choosing what they are going to do during their therapy hours. I anticipate lots of karaoke and movie watching during those three hours.

I am getting ready for a short week as well as experiencing the week before break. It's almost time for my regional conference, so I am getting things ready for two different presentations, traveling, and some conferencing. I'll get some time to myself during travel time and in the hotel as well. This change of routine will be good for me to separate work time and break time. After conference, I am officially on break and ready to rest.

The only thing I have to do is survive the next three days.

I am going to bring in some different types of movies for my students to choose from during sessions. I am going to finish my paperwork for my presentations later on. I am going to put in some bookshelves in my office to help me organize a bit more. I am going to finish my sub plans and make things as obvious as possible for the staff members who will be left behind to facilitate activities.

It is time to move into this world and get ready for kids who are tired due to the time change, who are excited about going home or who are frustrated because they aren't going home, and staff members who are feeling the exact same ways. The direct care staff will not have break next week, so teachers are the only ones who get the time off this year (this is new). It makes it difficult for those of us who are excited about time off (since it is new that not all of us have break, we sometimes forget and talk about how much we need the break). Here we go.

Happy week, all!


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