One Step Ahead

I am currently in a time of "hurry up and wait."

This happens to me when I start running out of time to finish projects but have lots to do in the span of a week or two. In two weeks' time, I have two presentations, an inservice day, three deadlines (two are self-imposed and may have to change), a worship service to coordinate, and my regular work. In addition, I am slowly working on clearing my living space.

I thrive when I have lots of things to do and many different projects. I work a bit on everything and will eventually find that things get finished. 

Right now, I am finishing my pre-approved provider application for CBMT. I was thrilled to find that I have enough prior presentations to fill up my menu of choices for music therapists seeking continuing education credits. That's a bunch of work that has already been done. All I have to do now is to transform these presentations into recordings, and I am done!

Things are moving ahead. I alphabetized my visual aids at work yesterday. The two bulky crates that I had are now replaced by lighter crates where everything is found by category title. More crates are on their way and will be followed by bookshelves to go in on Friday for the inservice day sorting and labeling process. In addition, we had three out of three music therapy sessions where we did not have to call for assistance! Hooray!!

My presentations are getting closer to being ready. I need to start my packing list for my trip to conference. I have to remember to take music therapy journals as well as watercolor paper and drawing materials. I also need to make up some one-page handouts to take with me. All of these things go onto the to-do list.

In the midst of a busy life, it is sometimes difficult to remember to celebrate the small accomplishments that happen.

I am trying to celebrate those small things more often.

Each time I take a positive step, I celebrate the accomplishment in a small way. Sometimes, I cross it off the to-do list. Sometimes, I do a little dance. Sometimes, I start a new project. Sometimes, I have a treat.

Today's planned accomplishments? I hope to finish my CBMT course materials for submission, and I want to organize the sensory material cabinet at work a bit more. Small steps, but steps ahead.


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