Finally Friday: A Strange Week Indeed

There was another reference to bowels in music therapy yesterday. I laughed and explained why I was laughing (read yesterday's post if this comment confuses you!).

Our week has been eventful, to say the least.

On Tuesday, I arrived at work at 6:45 am and unloaded my car of crates and various electronic devices. I was almost ready to go into the building when a co-worker yelled at me from across the parking lot. "MJ, didn't you get the message? There was storm damage. We can't go into the building because of gas. Didn't want you to completely unload and then have to re-load."

Apparently, my facility was hit hard by a storm on Monday night. It wasn't a tornado, but it was possibly a microburst. The storm ripped off a couple of roofs, forced the evacuation of one of our residences, and ripped the gas lines on the top of the roof of the administration/education wing. The building filled with natural gas, and we couldn't enter.

As a result of all the excitement, I spent the day roaming around the place, trying to find students to do some music with in their living places. About a third of the students were completely uninterested - caught up in iPad use instead of interacting with the world - the rest engaged like nothing had happened. It was a strange day, and I left feeling pretty darn useless. There wasn't much that I could do that day.

Everything was fixed by Wednesday, so we went back to business as usual.

Today is an inservice day, so kids get the day off while we teachers float back and forth between progress notes (I don't have any) and meetings (I only have to do one). I am planning on organizing the music therapy room after I catch up on my clinical documentation. I need to wet mop the floor. The cleaning crew occasionally vacuums the carpets, but they don't do much with the floors, I've found. My day is pretty well set.

Next week will also be strange. We have a time change to navigate. I hope there will be less crisis management and more typical therapy, but the week ends with the super regional conference and two presentations (I think I am ready, but who really knows?). I've missed my self-imposed deadline for my project, so I am reevaluating that entire process and goal. Ugh.

After next week, I am going to enjoy Spring Break. I will be leading worship twice, but don't have any other obligations that week other than to myself. I am ready for some extra rest.

This has been a strange week, but it is almost over.


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