Music Therapy Random Thoughts

There are days when the blinking cursor at the top of my blog screen challenges me. What can I write about? What am I thinking about? Will any of this actually make sense? That's where I've been for most of the last week - trying to put together some thoughts to share.

I blame some of my block on being tired. The Online Conference for Music Therapy was last week, and I am still recovering from screen fatigue, but that's not all that is going on. I have officially settled into my room. I have a routine place to park on the north side of the building, and I am getting used to my new office neighbors (all administration staff rather than education staff). I really don't see many of my education staff colleagues any more since I am at the farthest north point of the building and am firmly ensconced in office-land. I have my own office (what a luxury!) that is still messy, but starting to come together. I want to move some bookshelves from home to work, but I have to come up with alternative shelving for the home stuff before I can move things out - Spring Break project! I have another closet that is being used for storing things right now, but could work as an intern office for two interns with some rearranging (I'm getting more comfortable with the thought of doing an internship again).

There is lots that is going on in my mind and in my environment. I am taking it in stride.

I have gone for two weeks now with no iPod use during sessions. I don't think many of my clients have even noticed the lack of recorded music. I've been improvising songs on a variety of topics as the moments have passed. Some of them were apparently very engaging, but they are now gone. I rarely remember my improvised songs - it's a shame, really. Clients have been receptive to much of the music that we've made.

I did not do centers this week because our staffing has been horrific. The flu has hit the facility, so folks have been in and out. I used many of the things that I had developed for my centers (mittens this week) in sessions, but did not try to split up the groups into their areas. I'll try again soon - with modifications to allow for staffing variances (there are always staffing issues).

Today, being Friday, means that I don't have much contact with clients. I will spend some time in a classroom, but most of the rest of the day is preparation/planning time. I plan on making some new emotion choice boards, getting some better boards for my nonverbal folks, and brainstorming for the internship. In addition, there will be countless interruptions of clients and staff members coming in to spend points at the store - only accessible through the music therapy room. I also supervise the student worker for about an hour doing cashier work.

After that, I'm coming home to relax. This morning, I almost cried when I had to get up. I just wanted to stay in bed. Tomorrow, I will stay in bed until my brain and my body are ready to get up. If that happens at 3am, so be it, but I am hoping for more like 7am. For the moment, however, it is time to go to work and get the day started.

Happy Friday.


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