Late Day Post - Post-Philosophy Webinar

I spent some time last night talking to other music therapy-type folks about writing a philosophy of music therapy statement. Now, I have, in my years of being a music therapist, taught interns and students about writing these types of statements, and I've ready many of them from professional music therapists as well, so I think I know what I am nattering on about.


I decided to start rewriting my own philosophy of music therapy statement.

I have several pages of notes that are helping me figure out what I want to write, but I'm not finished. I even started a graphic organizer to help me with the process, but it's also a work in progress.
This is only the beginning of my thought process, and I wonder what the random icon at the bottom of this was meant to be...

ANYWAY (repeated word, oh dear - by the way, this is why I don't write my posts in the afternoon - my brain is mush after the entire day) - I firmly believe that delving into the idea of a philosophy statement is important for the growth of any and all therapists. It is important to show to yourself the reasons and beliefs behind why you choose this profession day after day, week after week, job after job, and client after client. It's important to remember the theory behind the work and it is just as important to understand the reasons why you do the job.

I figure that if I ever get to a place where I cannot see the reasons why I do what I do, it is time for me to leave this profession and go to another one. I'm not there yet.

Happy Tuesday, all. See you tomorrow!


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