Dreaming of the Future - One Thing at a Time

Lately, I've been spending lots of time thinking about what I want to do and where I want to be later on in my life. This has lots to do with the fact that my parents have recently retired and are starting up trusts and talking about what my siblings and I will do when my parents have died. It also has something to do with a presentation I'm giving in three weeks about getting out of a professional slump.

I've been spending time thinking deeply about what I want from life - both now and in the future (near and far). I'm identifying things that fulfill me and things that cause me unnecessary stress. I am thinking about where I need to be going in order to find the future that I want.

The first step I took was to think about my personal life. Where do I want to be at some point? I want to live in a place where it is difficult to see the neighbors. I want wired internet access (which will make not seeing neighbors more challenging). I want to have space enough to walk over ground and to see the sky. I want to be able to see the stars clearly at night. I want to be close enough to my family to be able to see them when I want to see them, but far enough away that it takes some planning to stop by. I want to travel. I want to talk to other music therapists, and I want to have music therapy clients.

So, now I know what I am working towards.

How can I get there?

That's the part that is still a work in progress. If I know where I want to end up, it is time to try to figure out some paths that will get me there. The first thing to do is to identify some things that I do well. After that, I will make a plan to help guide me to my end goals.

Are you interested in how this is going to happen? Me, too! If you are going to the Super Regional conference of the Western and Midwestern AMTA regions, you can find out what I've found on Friday afternoon, March 18th. After that, I'll write more as I figure it all out.

I am going to dream with reality as a basis, with all possibilities before me, and a combination of the two.

What are your dreams for yourself?


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