Dear Music Therapy:

This post is inspired by a request by the folks at Music Therapy Clinician who asked for letters that start, "Dear Music Therapy" for this Valentine's Day. So, here goes...

Dear Music Therapy:

Well, it's been almost 24 years since it was official - we were in it together.
It took us a couple of years to really figure out how to work together. Remember the days of finding ANY possible job that would allow us to spend just a little bit of time together?
Remember the thrill of that first, full-time, official music therapy job? Remember the opportunity to really learn what music therapy meant to the clients we served? Remember what I thought it meant to be in a relationship with you way back then?

Wow, things have changed.

When I was brand new to the relationship, you were in your 40's. Now that you are in your 60's, I've found that you have changed. You are more easily spoken of in these days. When I mention our relationship, most people have some idea of who you are and what you do for others. I know that there are still some struggles - people don't always see your complexities - but you've come so far, especially in the past 10 years.

In the past 24 years, I have enjoyed getting to know you more deeply. By continuing to be in this relationship, I've learned more and more about my first relationship - that with music (sorry to bring it up, but you know that I have a past!). Deepening my understanding of you has also widened my knowledge about the thing that brought us together in the first place (you know it's true - without music, there would be no "us.").

I hope that I've contributed something to your greater understanding of yourself as well.

Music therapy, there are times when I'm not sure why I continue in this relationship of ours. I look outside our relationship to see if there is anything else that makes sense to me. What I find is that this relationship continues to fulfill my ideas of what I want to do in the world. I always return to my dedication to this relationship, renewed and ready to sing the next song, hit the next drum, and strum the next guitar.

I know that there are others that have a relationship with you, and that's okay. It has to happen that way. It is a privilege to watch others find you, learn about you, and seek to dedicate their lives to working with you. I celebrate those who join this relationship, and I mourn those who leave (but I still understand why they have to go - this relationship is not for everyone).

Music therapy, thank you. I look forward to continuing our relationship for at least another 24 years.

Love always -



  1. Oh my gosh, MJ! I absolutely love it, and I suspect we all have our "past" relationships, LOL! Thanks for sharing your #lovelettertoMT!

  2. love! Relationships take time to grow.


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