Website Wednesday: YouTube, of Course!!

All of my website searches seem to include You Tube. All of them. So, why haven't I written about it before? Because I think that everyone uses You Tube the way I use You Tube. I guess I'm wrong because I can find the answers to questions that others post quickly when I use Google and You Tube, and they can't seem to find the same resources. Ooh, getting into snarkiness here - must move on!

Anyway, do you want to see some cool new ways to play a cabasa? Type it into the search window and, voila - you tube video! Need a little Muppet music in your life? Again, search Muppet Music, and there are many different choices!

When I have a question, I immediately turn to my online resources - Google and You Tube. I only turn to others when there is no information on those sites that make sense - believe it or not, I've never found a topic that isn't represented on those sites.

Just to finish things off, here is one of my You Tube videos (actually, my only one so far - more coming soon - as soon as I figure out how to synchronize the video and audio recordings.

Happy YouTubing, all!


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