Friday Evening - Or Pre-vening At Least - Thoughts

I didn't get much time to write this morning, so I am making it up to myself by writing another post on this early weekend hour. The first week of the new year is almost over, and MY ROOM IS FINISHED!! It only took me 2 weeks...

Oh, I feel the need to say that again.


I am feeling things that I haven't felt in a long time. I am feeling happy. I am feeling that I can move. I am feeling like I have enough space to do the things that I have wanted to do with my clients but haven't been able to do because we had no personal space available. That isn't a problem any more!

Do you ever feel like you are trapped? In a dead-end job? In a bad relationship? In a car sitting in the middle of the freeway? I do, and it is the most frustrating experience that I have (and it happens on a pretty regular basis). My last music therapy environment felt like a trap. It was dark, small, and irregular in shape (the only wall was a curved wall - bounced sound around like nothing else). I yearned for more room - a place for the clients who need to walk to be able to walk without stepping on or over the ones who need to sit.

I didn't initiate the move that I JUST NOW FINISHED, but I am enjoying the opportunity to spread out all over a large space (have I mentioned that it is 4 times larger than the last room???). I have the luxury of areas - a listening area, a sensory area, and a group therapy area. We have also named one of the carpet areas, "the dancing carpet." The nine groups of students that came into the room in the past two days have seemed to enjoy the opportunity to move around and explore. I've enjoyed watching them do just that.

It is amazing how a change in some aspect of your life can energize the rest of the areas. I am feeling happier than I have in a long time, and I am finding ways to be creative. Creativity has eluded me lately, so I am glad to make its acquaintance again.

All of this energy will probably wane when I finally sit down and start to relax, but in the meantime, I am luxuriating in the emotion. Tonight, when I go to sleep, I will be able to focus on the idea that I have accomplished something that I not only wanted, but needed in this stage of my life.

I hope that you have a spark in your life right now. If you don't, let me know how I can help. I'm here.


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