Finding My Way - A Short Post (More Writing Tonight)

This is going to be a short post because I refused to get up this morning, so now I am running a bit later than usual. My room is finally starting to approach completion. The last bit of moving happened yesterday, so I can clean the other storage area and get some shelving from the basement downstairs. I also received my headphones for my listening center and will be getting my junction box ordered this weekend. The only thing I'm waiting for now is the student computer to arrive, and then I will be finished!

I have no idea where things are yet, but I am getting a good idea. I've sorted most of the materials by how I intend to use them - there is an explore cabinet, a listening cabinet, and a learning cabinet. I also have a therapy cabinet with the materials that I use more often than not. Eventually my office and storage areas will also be organized, but that won't happen for some time as I am behind on my notes and a revamp of how we do our notes. I have to finish my client responsibilities before I can play around with organization - that's the ethical thing to do!

My brain is churning right now, so I think it is a good time to sign off. I'll write more this evening when I am tired and (hopefully) not as scattered.

It is Friday.


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