Deciding To Act

There are many things going on right now in this country, in my state, in my city, and in my home. These are all things that are not any of my doing (Well, except for the stuff in my home), but that are affecting how I approach the world around me. 

I can't quite reconcile the values that I hold dear with the things that are happening, so I am struggling to figure out what type of action I need to take in this new situation.

I do know that the first step is to decide to do something. Until now, I have been trying to avoid things that upset me (which means absolutely NO radio or television news - it's ALL upsetting!). I don't think I can do that anymore. It's time to decide.

The question is, what can I do?

This is lots like therapy. The first thing that has to happen is that someone has to decide to act - to change, to seek assistance, to make something different. That first person is usually the client (or someone concerned about the client's life and well-being). That person has to acknowledge that something needs to change.

I have family members who have significant issues that could use intervention, but they do not acknowledge that anything is wrong. Because of that, they continue in their own patterns. What we do to try to "help" isn't effective because they haven't made the decision to act, to change, to make something different.

Once the decision to act is made, the next step is to find others that will support you in your quest to make something different. (I think this is the step that I am almost to right now.) This is the search for the therapist who best fits you and your goals. This process is not always easy - sometimes you find someone quickly, other times you interview and try out many different people before you find the right fit.

Change takes a continued commitment. It is not always as simple as just making up your mind - you have to make up your mind before every single appointment, interaction, and intervention. You need to decide to act every single time.

Every single time.

It's time for me to decide what to do to change my world.


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