Website Wednesday: Makey Makey

A couple of years ago, my sister dragged me into the world of computer interfaces by asking my Dad for a Makey Makey for the holiday. When my father saw what she was asking for, he decided that we both needed one, so I received one as well. My sister gave me a Makey Makey Go for Christmas this year with requests to figure out how to rig it to my cat's behavior (in some way - Auntie wants more pictures of the kitty, I guess!). I will be playing with this a bit more in the near future.

I've played with mine a bit, but haven't really delved into the possibilities of what this device can do. I like that it has lots of implications for clients with limited mobility. I can rig just about anything to do something - great cause and effect work opportunities as well as access to communication or composition or many other things as well.

It wasn't cheap, but it also didn't break the bank, especially when compared to switches, Big Macks, and other software programs. Makey Makey is only limited by my lack of imagination.

Is anyone else using this in their music therapy practices? I would LOVE to know what you are doing with the device with your clients...

Let me know in the comments.

(By the way, I get absolutely NOTHING from anyone to write my reviews of products or books or materials or anything! Every opinion posted here is just that - my opinion!)


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