Today is Tuesday, Right?

Not doing therapy is really messing with my internal calendar. It is amazing how much I depend on my routine to keep myself grounded in time and reality. Right now, I have finished the moving out process but am stalled in the moving in process. So, still no students in the music therapy room.

Many people have stopped by to see the "new music therapy room." Most of them make comments like, "I didn't know how much stuff you have" and other pithy remarks. One person came in (the one displaced by my moving but also one of the ones that directly benefited from my displacement 4 years ago) and said, "I'm going to miss this room." I didn't say anything - personal growth, maybe - and allowed her to own her feelings.

Today's task is to scrounge up a desk surface and then set up the office area. Once that is done, I'll use the two cabinets that I have right now to store some of the materials that I have. After I use those, I will get an idea of how much I will need to order. If the office is done, I will be able to research cabinetry and start the ordering process. If the office is not finished, I will have to re-evaluate my day.

The other thing that I have to finish today is the program for the Holiday Sing. It's on the computer which is currently in pieces in my new music therapy room waiting the arrival of a desk. Hmmm. The Sing is tomorrow. Hmmm. I'm thinking that I have made a good decision to cancel things this week as everything is still a mess, and I don't have anyplace to put things right now.

Happy - what is it? Tuesday? - Tuesday.


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