Thoughtful Thursday and a Website...Well Thursday, Too!

I forgot that yesterday was a Wednesday, so I hustled off to work and didn't remember to find a website to talk about. Forgive me if I combine the two on this Thursday of this very strange week?

I think of this as cheating a bit, but I am going to talk about the website for the Certification Board for Music Therapists. Honestly, this website is one of the ones that I refer to most often during the course of the year. I use it to find specific therapists, I look for approved providers, and I also use it, over and over again, to develop learning objectives for my various presentations. The reason I think of it as cheating is that every music therapist in the United States should know about this website. The best feature of the site? Information on how to talk directly to the folks at CBMT! They are willing to answer any and all questions and are our best resource when it comes to finding answers. Go check it out if you haven't. There is so much that is available to us all on that site.

Thoughtful Thursday time now - 

I've been thinking that my music therapy vision has become much more local these days. I am not really in the loop of things happening in the greater music therapy world, and I am conflicted by that. On the one hand, I feel that I am much more in touch with what I want to do as a therapist for the clients I serve, but the other hand makes me think that I am missing something - I know I am, but what can you do?

In the long range scheme of things, I think all therapists go through these periods of time - don't we? Times when our focus is very much local and other times when our focus is more global. 

I am going to revel in the local glimpse this time around. I am going to focus on the music therapy challenges in front of me in this place and this time.

Challenge #1 - moving all my stuff from a small little place to a significantly bigger and better place!
Challenge #2 - organizing all that stuff into cabinets that are currently not present (and trying to figure out what I need, cabinet-wise, to store what I have and what I want to bring back with me from home).
Challenge #3 - acclimatizing 100+students who do not always appear to understand change to the changes happening around them right now.

Stay tuned for more about what is going on in my little piece of the world. Maybe what I go through will affect what you go through in your place of the world. All things local can also be viewed in a global manner.


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