Thoughtful Thursday: 1401 Posts and Missing Therapy

It is almost 6am, and I am still at home, sitting in my pajamas, trying my best NOT to get to work too early. I've been at work by 6:30am every day this week, working extra long days, trying to get my room set up and ready for therapy when Winter Break is over. I cancelled therapy services for this week because my room organization depended on others. I had to wait for cabinets to be emptied by others who were moving before I could finish my own moving process. I received those cabinets yesterday afternoon. I can now finish much of my organization and start making spaces for therapy.

It's been a long week. As much as I need occasional breaks from being a therapist and all, I have missed the interaction with my clients that has come from this week of moving. I haven't been singing as much as usual (singing at the Holiday Sing yesterday doesn't really count), and my guitar has sat on its stand, looking lonely. I can't find much of what I have right now - the whole organization thing is confusing at the moment - so projects are in pieces, scattered around the room. I did manage to find my bullet journal and my regular journal, so I can get back into that type of routine.

I've invited my clients to come see the new music therapy space today, and I hope that many of them take advantage of the invitation and come see where we'll be doing music therapy in the future. I think they will like the new room and will enjoy what I've got planned for them. I know I am looking forward to it and to spreading out over all the floor space!

After a week of hurry up and wait moving, I am looking forward to a week of relaxation and then falling back into a schedule and routine of music therapy. I've really missed sharing that part of my interests with my clients. I think they've missed it as well. A couple of students have commented that they missed music this week - I take that as the best compliment that they could ever give to me. Missing music when it is not available.

As I am writing here, an hour later than usual, in my attempt to not get to work before I am scheduled (at 8am due to a 12-hour day schedule today), I am also reminded that yesterday's post was #1400. Today's post is #1401. I have nothing pithy to say about this except "Thanks for reading!"


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