Projects Done and To Do

As I said yesterday, I am at my childhood home, doing some rest and relaxation stuff before slogging home to the world of cold and snow. I am steeped in my family, and I am loving every moment of it (except for the moments when I miss my cat - like now). Anyway, I am also keeping my idea book/bullet journal close to me so I can write down ideas as they arise. I find that my creative instinct is sharper here than anywhere else, so I take advantage of that and use it as much as possible.

Looking around at the things I received this year, I have some new items to introduce into my clinical life. I have a box of safety sign cards - I already have some safety sign songs and singing games to do. I received some beautiful star-shaped bean bags. (They are almost too beautiful to use with clients.) I have a ceramic R2-D2 beer stein that has absolutely NO clinical value with my clients, but I like it anyway! I am starting to think about theme units and TMEs to use with all of the things that are now mine.

This is the power of being home.

Yesterday morning, I awoke at a VERY early time here and a bit earlier than my usual time at home. (Today, I slept in lots more! It will be even later tomorrow!!) I spent the time waiting for the others to wake up changing things up a bit on my website and scheduling a new professional webinar. I think I am ready to jump back into the world of webinars again, so I just made a goal and started one. I wonder if anyone will want to write a philosophy statement...hmmm. (If you do, here's the link to my page.) I rearranged some things, took other things off, and spent some time thinking about what I want to do with this website. It was something that has been on my to-do list for a long time, but I finally just took the time to do the task. There is a certain amount of satisfaction that happens when you accomplish something, isn't there? I felt it.

The only thing that I really asked for this year was a copy of Finale PrintMusic. I installed it yesterday and started writing a random choral piece, inspired by my father who wanted it in E-flat minor and in the form of a limerick. I am currently experimenting a bit with a melody and the four-part harmony expected (Mom is an alto, Dad is a bass, and my sister is a soprano. I guess I'll sing the tenor line). It will be a silly song - on purpose - and it is doubtful that it will ever be known by anyone other than the four of us, but why not? Creation does not have to be staid - it can be silly as well. It is wonderful to have songwriting software, and this version is one that I think I will use often. My old software was 15 years old and barely able to work in the new operating systems, but I loved it dearly. This one will take some getting used to, but it is time to move into the next decade, MJ, it is time.

I am open to other new ideas, and I keep finding them. I love it when this happens, and I hope that this is the start of something that will continue when I get back to my house.

My to-do list is getting longer, but so is my done list. That's really the way things should go, isn't it?


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