I Can't Afford to Be Sick Right Now, Okay, Body?

It's happening. My annual batch of ick has started, and I am trying to figure out how to tame it long enough to get through this busy season. Yesterday's task was to get the medication started. That always takes a day in bed because the medicine makes me very dizzy and extremely sleepy, so I stayed in my home yesterday rather than venturing out into the world. Today, though, I have to go back to work to get things checked off the to-do list.

This week is shaping up to be a strange week anyway. I have behavior management training this morning (which I am going to watch rather than engage directly in due to a recently sprained MCL that I DON'T want to have to deal with during the next 6 weeks of moving and travel) and the Holiday Dinner on Friday (which I have NOTHING to have to do for - as far as I know!). Also, I should start moving my therapy materials from one room to the other room at some time this week (hence, some of my hesitation at spraining my knee again). I'll be cancelling music therapy services until I am fully moved into the new therapy room, so I am offering music movies for groups to watch in their rooms when I cancel music therapy. I'm also hoping to host an open house for my students on Monday afternoon so they can see where the new music therapy room is located. I think it will be an easier transition if they actually see me and all of the music therapy stuff in the room before they start arriving for therapy than if we just surprise them.

I have changed rooms before. These changes have always been surprises for me, and have rarely been positive changes, but they have happened over and over again. I am hoping that this one will be the last one, but I bet that someone will walk into the large space that I will be occupying, take a look around, and then say, "This will make a good ______ (classroom, set of offices, storage area, etc.)," and I will have to move again. For the moment, however, I am going to revel in a treatment space that is 4 times larger than my current treatment space.

We are going to use that space! I have dreams of an instrument jam area, a group treatment area, a listening center, a sensory/exploration center, and a learning center. I will have enough space to house interns again! I will have a desk area that is separate from the treatment space and that locks up!!

Now, I know that I am spoiled. I have always had some place to keep my stuff. I have not always had a music therapy treatment room. I have spent my time as an itinerant therapist, moving materials from place to place and keeping most of the stuff at home (that will end now that I have more space as well! Hoorah!), but having a music therapy treatment space has always been part of the general plan of the facility. That is something that most music therapists never get as part of their job life. 

All of this, in my fevered brain, means that it is important to get back to work and get things started, so I'll do just that. Enjoy whatever this day brings to you!



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