Creative Rest and Relaxation

I am currently in my sister's old room, waiting for my family to wake up and get the day started. There is something about this room that leads to deep sleep and lots of good rest. My sister proclaims that it has to be about the lavender walls (I am HIGHLY skeptical about that one). My mother agrees that there is something about this room that is restful but she cannot figure it out either. If my old room still existed as a guest room, I would prefer to be there, but my mother has turned it into her sewing room (as opposed to this one which is the paper crafting room).

There really is something special about "at home" rest. I think that I cannot truly "rest" when I am at my residence. There is always something that I need to do. Here, though, there isn't much that HAS to be done, just things that COULD be done. That inspires me.

My holiday was pretty quiet (until about 45 seconds after my sister went home). We had a holiday flood in the back bathroom that required an emergency plumber and lots of old towels and rushing about. I think I need to write a poem about it - the Great Flood of 2016. I got lots of R2-D2 stuff to add to my ever growing collection - including a 32-ounce R2-D2 collectible beer stein! I also received lots of things for my creative side including Finale Printmusic and some oil pastels and other arty things. I will spend some time while I'm here learning how to do some of the various arts that my Mom does. Since she's been retired (a whole 5 months now), she has rediscovered the things that she used to do often - cross stitching, painting, reading, making things, and making more things. We had a holiday full of homemade things - washcloths, cat alphabets, cross stitch mottoes, pin cushions, and more ornaments that I can even count (my symbol was stars, my dad's - trains, and my sister's - trees).

As I was looking around at all of the things that we had for each other, I was reminded again of how lucky we are to live where we live and how we live. Our family is an example of abundant living, but living within our means (usually). I think Dad and I spent the most on new things. Mom and my sister are MASTERS of finding thrift shop deals and making them like new. Mom is the undisputed MASTER of MAKING.

When I am here, I have so many ideas that just come flooding out of my brain. Most of them are developed by my family members - we are certainly folks who exemplify my theory of the creative collective - our creative output increases exponentially when we work together. I'll start with an idea, my sister will expand on that idea, Mom will develop it further, and Dad will add the final cap to the entire project. When my brother is home, he participates as well. We are a creative bunch of people who enjoy making things, dreaming things, and figuring out how to do things better.

So far, I have an idea for a song about flooding bathrooms (probably NOT for therapeutic purposes, but you never know). I have my bullet journal next to me at all times to catch the ideas as they arrive...and they will arrive, probably faster than I can keep up.

I hope that you, dear reader, are able to find some relaxation in this busy time of the year. I hope that you can find some creativity in your own familiar environment to promote the maker that you are. Make music, bake baklava, take a walk and enjoy the sunshine - do something to refresh you.


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