Website Wednesday: Affirmation Sites

It's been a week, hasn't it? No matter how you voted or who you rooted for, there are many things that have happened this week that need some extra thought and consideration. This country is due for some changes, and whether you think they are good changes or bad changes, we are all going to have to figure out how to work together in ways that we haven't had to consider for many many years.

In situations like these, I really need some reminders about the value of a small gesture from a small person and how that can change the attitude and viewpoint of others, so I reach for websites that promote those ideas and values. Here are some of my favorite affirmation sites (please note, these are primarily meant to have some humor associated with them - not just serious thoughts).

Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley - Here are some transcripts from Saturday Night Live simply because, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!"

The Only 100 Positive Affirmations You Will Ever Need - I really resonated with the following affirmations today: 12, 23, 30, 43, 50, 61, 74, and 99. Which ones made you stop and think?

Calming Manatee - Just because...

Now, simply looking at these websites isn't enough for me. The next step in my affirmation journey is to use these affirmations to make changes in how I view the world around me. So, I choose something to focus on during the day. At those times when I feel down or blah, I think about my affirmation. If I am really in a creative mood, I will draw or do word art with the affirmation at the center.
This is an example of word art centered around song lyrics, but the idea of an affirmation remains the same. This song is one that affirms what I challenge myself to do. By making this creative effort, I place the words into my brain in a new way, and I have a visual reminder of what I feel is important. This works for me.

In these times, find a positive affirmation that you can keep close to your heart. Something that challenges you to think. Something that can help you remember your place in the bigger world around, and something that will lead you towards a better path.

Happy Wednesday.


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