The Day After Thanksgiving

Today is the infamous Black Friday celebration here in the States. In case you've never heard of this day, it is the first official day of the Christmas shopping season and people tend to go shopping on this day. Stores open early and offer "deals" to encourage people to go in and spend money.

I don't participate.

I am much more of a Cyber Monday type of person. Going to a store doesn't really appeal to me all that much when it isn't the holiday season, but stores at this time of year? No thank you AT ALL!

It amazes me how quickly we, as a culture, go from "I'm thankful for" to "let me get as much as I can!"

I'm going to find a way to extend my feelings of gratitude from the holiday of Thanksgiving into this season of shopping and accumulation. 

The first thing I'm going to do is to avoid all stores today. The best way for me to find the spirit of the season is to not be part of the maddening rush to get more and more things. I am also going to try giving something back to others. I'm still working on that plan, but I will figure it out.

Today, I am thankful for the fact that I have a choice not to be in the middle of this brouhaha. I am also thankful for those who do not have a choice and have to work these hours. Thank you for putting up with the madness and trying your best to keep your attitude happy and calm, even when those around you do not.

Be thankful.


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