Post-Conference Synthesis and Goal-Setting

Conference is over, and I am back at home, getting my arm licked by the cat and trying to figure out what to do next. I have one more day to rest before heading back to work and into the world of a music therapy clinician. Today is a day for planning, reflection, and setting new goals for myself and for my profession.

Ah. Just got the first "welcome home" bite on the arm. I am truly home.


The trip to and from Sandusky, Ohio was uneventful as far as driving was concerned. I drive there and back - a total of 25 hours in the car, listening to movies and music, talking to myself, working out problems, trying my best to pay attention to what was going on around me, and just generally contemplating what was happening in the bigger world. I wasn't able to solve anything, but I did get some insight into things happening with my family and with my ideas about my role in the greater world.

So, after five days at conference, what did I learn?

I learned that people are interested in what I have to say - whether it be about being a research-informed clinician or about creativity. I have to get more organized in my home life. I am not always using the resources that I have available to me. I want to step up my sharing of those resources with others. To that end, I am going to need to organize my life in a way that makes things a bit more accessible to me as I need them. I also want to get out there more often - in person as well as through social media. I am working on that aspect of my life and business.

I also was reminded of things that I've known for many years but needed to be reminded of at this point in my career. Music is powerful.

It is time to bask in this supermoon and use the energy to arrange different aspects of my life. Have a wonderful day, all. I'm going back to sleep!!


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