Thoughtful Thursday - Stretching the Boundaries

This week, I'm trying some new things that I've never done before with the intent of stretching myself past my usual comfort zone and into the great unknown.

Not that this week hasn't been chock full of challenging situations, disappointments, and frustrations. It has, but it has also been full of good moments and mindful minutes. I was lucky enough to see a full rainbow on my drive home on Tuesday.

I had to stop on the side of the road and take a series of pictures. It was one of the most beautiful rainbows I have ever seen - you could see all of the colors stretching across the sky in brilliant glory. This picture does not do it justice, but it prompts the memory of that moment in an almost visceral manner.

I sat on the side of the road for a bit just watching the rainbow grow and shrink as the light source changed. I did something that is very difficult for me - I just sat.

I am trying to fit in more times like this one - more moments in my day to just sit without thinking or wondering or planning. It's difficult for me to do, but I am getting better at noticing the moments around me.

Stretch your own boundaries in some way this week. Try something new, step out of your comfort zone, look for inspiration. 

Me? I'm going to be taking head shot portraits this afternoon. (Big time stretch of my comfort-zone boundaries!) My friend is going to take the pictures. I'm going to do the whole makeup, color from my wardrobe, and smiling for the camera thing. I might hate the requirement for this, but I need to do it, so I am going to stretch.

I am also challenging myself to improvising more with my clients. More music in the moment rather than music from the session plan. Stretch!!

What will you do this week to stretch your comfort zone just a bit more?


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