The Continuing Saga of MJ and the iPod

The iPod Classic that I had purchased for my program keeps giving me fits. This has happened many times, so I should be able to predict that it will not work the way I want/need it to work, but I keep thinking it will be okay.

It isn't - it really isn't.

I went to the updated, fully synced iPod on Thursday to listen to music with a client and found that things hadn't synced the way they were supposed to. I had spent an entire week updating and then resynching the iPod to find that it hadn't actually synched all of my music - just bits and pieces of it. So, I redid the synch this weekend - all weekend long.

I am sure that there are some readers who are thinking, right now, "Why don't you just stream the music you need?" Well. My music therapy room is not covered by our wi-fi system, and I don't want to access my personal music files through my cloud system at work using their access points. That's just a whole other can of worms...

Anyway, I've been trying to figure out how to configure the music files on my computer in a way that allows me to access them easily wherever I am. It's taking me lots of time, and every time I think I've mastered the idea, I'm shown that I am wrong!!

I am going to take the iPod back to work today to be used the way I always use it - with my clients. I'm also going to use it to avoid the constant discussion/rehash/mess that NPR is going to be this morning with the aftermath of the debate last night. I have some new television shows to watch this afternoon during some soon-to-be open times (the speech pathologist has decided to get snippy when I try to take kids - even though I scheduled my times first. I'm going to be the bigger person and change my schedule rather than have to put up with the snippy comments and rude behavior of the professional in the room.) while I put together some thoughts.

Let's hope that every thing works the way it is supposed to work today.

We shall see.


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