Just A Song Sunday: I Think I've Found My Focus!

A week ago, I was writing about wanting to figure out what I wanted to do with this new blog topic. At this time, I think I know what I want to do with this series of posts. Here goes - 

I think I will take these posts to talk about my ideas about the elements of music and how we shape them to take any song and make it a therapeutic music experience (TME).

So, what I'm thinking is this - I'm thinking about combining my old Song Synthesis Sunday ideas with my new focus on the elements and bringing that together into a discussion about how we use music as our tool...to help our clients...to make things happen.


In the next several weeks, I'm going to write about each of the elements listed here - the ones with the gray bands on the left side of the boxes.

Stay tuned for more information - starting next week!

Happy Sunday.


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