Tomorrow is the Full Moon

I had a very productive day yesterday. I washed dishes, organized all of the papers in my desk sorter, and cleaned the bedroom. I also rearranged some of the bookshelves, wrote a blog post, made chicken teriyaki in the crock pot, watched lots of Psych and Star Wars, finished one book and started another, and vacuumed. I split up hours into 30 minutes for me and 30 minutes for my home. It really worked wonders for me and my environment.

As I was getting ready for sleep yesterday, I happened to see the moon and found that it was getting close to full. This explained quite a bit for me - I tend to cycle with the moon. I looked it up, and the moon will be full tomorrow. This should help me figure out how to cram more stuff to do into my afternoon and early evening.

I have worked with those who swear that there is no full moon effect on others. I have to scoff because I am a person who has ups and downs associated with the phases of the moon. My poor mother had to wait an extra three weeks for me to be born, at almost 10 months of pregnancy. I waited for the full moon to be born. My mom swears that I started cycling from that day forward. So, I am a believer in the full moon.

What this usually means with my clients is that students are more impulsive than other times. They are also more emotionally labile - sometimes happy, sometimes not. I think many of the staff are the same way - we've just learned to mask it a bit more.

My session plans will be as they always are - flexible to meet the needs of my clients - but I think I will offer more opportunities for movement than I usually do. We will focus on impulse control this week. Start/Stop games, freeze dancing, Hot Potato, Doggie, Doggie, Where's Your Bone, and other games to play, move, wait, and wiggle.

My non-work time will be flexible as well, but I think some form of structure is needed just for me. I'm going to keep going with my "30 on point-30 for me" plan. It seems to work well at focusing my attention on the things that need to get done. 

Whatever the reason, I know that I am feeling some creative urges and lots of energy lately. If it is the full moon, then GREAT. If not, I want to know what it is so I can replicate this feeling whenever I need it!

Happy Monday!


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