TME Tuesday: The Reasons Behind

This will not be my traditional TME Tuesday post - I am currently enjoying the early morning hours of World Music Therapy Day as well as the aftermath of Independence Day here in the states - so just be prepared.

Today's post is called, "The Reasons Behind." This is a brand-new idea that is floating in the back of my head. I intend this to be a song that addresses the reasons that I have for doing what I do - music therapy. This is not really a song intended for therapeutic purposes at this point, but I think it will be readily adaptable to some clientele. (My kids, probably not so much, but I could see this type of song being the TME for a group of people exploring their own patterns...hmmm).

I go into songwriting through different paths.

Sometimes I start with lyrics. Other times, a melody line floats into my head. Today, I feel compelled to start with a chord progression.

I've been obsessed with a specific chord progression lately. It comes into my fingers in those moments when I am sitting by myself in the music therapy room, warming up my voice and my guitar fingers. I don't have any songs with this pattern in them, so the progression just stays in my head. I've promised myself that I will figure out a song to go with the progression, and I think today is the day.

The progression is as follows:

Lyrics are coming to me. (This is a first draft, of course.)

It's important to think about the reasons behind choices.
It's important to explore the whys.
The reasons behind my becauses show me the path I choose to take.
The reasons behind. (Maybe repeat this phrase??)

My life is one full of music, rhythms, and melodies.
I get to play music all day.
I have the privilege of watching others change in the course of a song.
These are some of the reasons behind.

This is a start.

What are your reasons behind being a music therapist? Why do you do this job? Why did it choose you to begin with? Share in the comments!

Happy World Music Therapy Day!

July 5, 2016


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