Supplemental Sunday: Picture Diary

I had a very productive day yesterday which led to completion of lots of products for my music therapy clinic and for TMEs I've developed. Because of this day, I've almost caught up with all of my laminating (of course, I did find more as soon as I put everything away), and I have a bunch of new visuals to show off. Some of these will be available for purchase on my website, some are just for inspiration. As always, comments are welcome!!

The process of getting ready to laminate - none of these pictures actually were laminated. Sigh.

Olympic medals and Tom - did you know that googly eyes can fit through a laminator? I didn't, but I do now!

Colored in and ready to go.

Frame for Orff block compositions.

Ukulele Chord Charts

We're learning how to write music - here's the outside of the rhythm folder.

The inside of the rhythm folder/

The other two folders - melody and lyrics. These will work in stations.

It's almost the Olympics, so these world maps will get some work. Graphic from

Penguins!! (Need I say more?)

Sound production cards for a large group.

Therapist reference sheets for the Olympics TMEs being composed RIGHT NOW!

Weather conditions.

Small generic cards for games.

Emotion sets - three different sets - for emotion TMEs

Songwriting Blank

My "helper/supervisor/critic"
I have plans for each and every one of these visual aids. What types of visuals do you use in your music therapy space? Comment below!


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