So, I did something that I don't usually do when it comes to blogging - I skipped two days in a row! I try to blog every day, but there are times when I just cannot sit down and write. I had two of those days in a row this weekend. Strange. I did try to write something, but it didn't happen. I was a bit angsty because I hadn't heard anything about my AMTA presentation proposals, but that's since passed. Now, I am getting back into the routine of writing about something therapy-like on a daily basis.

Today, I return to work after a week away. I have three group sessions and (I think) three individual sessions as well. That's right. I have some individual sessions to do today. Finally. 361 days after being injured, I get to go back to what I consider an adequate music therapy schedule. Individual sessions!

To be completely honest, I am a bit scared of moving on. I know that I can do this - after all, I've been doing this for 23 years - but it's going to be the first time that I get to take clients to the music therapy room without support from another staff member for almost a year. It is past time to do this, so I am going forward, even through the apprehension and the negative thoughts that flit through my mind every so often. It will be great to get back into individual therapy - where I think I can have the most effect in the lives of my clients.

I've decided to start off slowly with this entire individual session thing. Most of this is due to the greater school session - swimming always puts a cramp in my schedule - but some of it is due to my own feelings. I am trying to get back into my groove. I will get there, but I will be there changed.

Before my injury, I didn't really think about how an event could significantly change your life. I mean, I had read the research and knew it on an intellectual level, but until I went through something, I really had no idea about how fast life could change on many different levels. Now I know.

There is nothing else to do except to go into the world and do this again.

So, I'm off. I'm going into the world to do what I love best - music therapy with my clients. Everything will be exactly what it should be - whatever it is.


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