Introducing Music Therapy Morsels

For the past several weeks, I've been working on a project. It turned out to be a bit more than I thought it would be at the beginning of the project, but most of projects are that way. In this case, I've been scripting things, coming up with presentations, and trying to figure out how to make things into YouTube videos.

I've done it.

Introducing the first ever Music Therapy Morsel.

I chose assessments for the first morsel. When I was a practicum student and later, a supervisor, this seemed to be one of the things that confused me and my students the most. How do you figure out how to assess a client? Here's a tidbit of information about what to think about as you go into an assessment process.

There will be more information offered in a short course pretty soon. That's the next step in this process - offering a morsel first and then a full course on the same topic. 

(Do you think I could put in any more cheesy food metaphors??). 

Thanks for reading and watching!



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