Excavating Through the Year

It's that time of year. It's time to clear up and clean out. I'm doing this because first, it HAS to be done and second, I have someone coming over and that means cleaning pressure!

The desk at this moment...
I started yesterday in my office area. I took things off of shelves, moved them into donation, trash, and keep piles, and then got sick, so things are still piled up here, there, and everywhere. I'm currently in the "it will get even worse before it gets better" mode, and that mode will continue for the rest of the week, I am sure.

The best thing about this chore is that I am finding things that I haven't seen for some time. I really should keep track of things better than I do, but I haven't kept up recently. For the moment, I am enjoying finding these things and finding a place for them as well. Right now, I have two new sheet music shelves, a music therapy text shelving unit, and a non-music therapy text shelf. I've also established a new place for my CD books and containers.

Not the desk - just lots of stuff!

I found my mother's camp songbook from the 80's. When I am finished with all of this moving and cleaning and clearing out, I am going to sit down and sing through that songbook. We'll see what TMEs come from that process. 

(Blog posts for the next week may be sporadic and not in my usual pattern - I'm going with the flow this week rather than sticking to a pattern. There may be times when I don't post at all - don't worry, there will be more eventually!)

Before I can sit down and read through songbooks and the like, I must make some semblance of organization happen!

For me, part of organization is finding a place for everything and then putting everything in its place. I have visions of rows and rows of labeled drawers and white shelving units. If I ever had a chance to design a space just for me, there would be bookshelves on almost every wall as well as drawers and lots of windows to let in natural light as well as things that can be put in their places with a limit of muss and fuss.

I'll keep going on my organization quest. I will uncover things and resources that I've forgotten. I will try to find ways to put things in their places. I may have to go get more boxes and fabric drawers and the such, but that is part of the fun!

Gotta go. I haven't been sick yet, so I think this will be a good time to get started. I'm going to get my cleaning materials and get started on this rainy day. See you on the organized side!


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